Renewable Energy |
Renewable energy is playing an ever increasing role in the generation of electricity. Climate change concerns coupled with high fossil fuel prices and increasing government support are driving renewable energy legislation, incentives and commercialization. While the extent to which renewable energy accounts for total energy generated varies by country, it is important to note that many countries are actively seeking to substantially increase that percentage. This is being made possible as the various renewable energy technologies improve, thereby lowering their cost per kilowatt.
There are many stakeholders in renewable energy including: utilities, equipment manufacturers, component manufacturers, municipalities, government agencies, trade associations, energy companies, and consumers. Our renewable energy experts focus on the dynamics of this industry and the impact it will have on the various stakeholders. We help our clients understand the trends, opportunities and challenges that they face as this industry continues to evolve. Our renewable energy practice focuses on the three following areas.
Solar |
Solar energy technologies have great potential to lessen dependence on conventional energy sources. Besides diversifying energy supplies, it improves air quality by reducing CO 2 emissions and stimulates economic growth through job creation. At Global Market Consultants, our consultants have the expertise to provide insight and guidance to maximizing the benefit of this market to our clients. We not only understand the technology, but also how it will help shape the future for stakeholders. |
Geothermal |
Geothermal energy derived from the heat of the earth’s core is clean, abundant, and reliable. There are three primary applications of geothermal energy: electricity generation, direct use of heat, and ground-source heat pumps. Utility-scale geothermal power production employs three main technologies: dry steam, flash steam and binary cycle systems. Demand for geothermal energy continues to grow. Economies are expanding, populations are increasing and energy-intensive technologies are spreading. All mean greater demand for energy. The entire world resource base of geothermal energy has been calculated in government surveys to be larger than the resource bases of coal, oil, gas and uranium combined. The geothermal resource base is becoming more readily available as methods and technologies for accessing it are improved through research and experience. At Global Market Consultants, we help our clients understand the issues involved, from regulatory to infrastructure costs, and work with them to develop a strategy that will enable them to meet their goals. |
Wind |
Wind energy is one of the fastest growing forms of electricity generation in the world. Globally, the long-term technical potential of wind energy is believed to be five times the total current global energy production, or 40 times the current electricity demand. The industry is evolving at a rapid pace. Our team of experts helps clients’ to keep up with the trends in the market and help them to capitalize on the multitude of opportunities. |
Ocean |
Oceans, which cover over 70% of the Earth’s surface, have the ability to produce mechanical energy from the tides and waves. Ocean energy includes all forms of energy derived from the sea including: wave energy; tidal stream energy; and river stream energy. Researchers are working on designing underwater turbines that would make electricity using the power of the ocean. At Global Market Consultants we help clients to understand the market potential and provide solutions on how they can develop a successful business model. |